
Saturday, December 5, 2009


  有个人,关于他的生身父母和出生日期有好几种说法,而且一开始他连正式的名字也没有,直到能在社会上大显身手了,他才有了自己的名分。再以后,虽然人们遇到困难和挫折时,不时地请他出来救局,同时经常在暗地里采纳他的主张,但总的说来,他已经退居二线,经常处于一种不得志的状态了。—— 这个人就是我们所说的道家思想。

















  受玄学思潮的影响,也受外来宗教——佛教的刺激,道教在这一时期向上层和精致化方向发展,其杰出的代表人物葛洪在《抱朴子内篇》一书中,提出以道为内 ,以儒为外,使神仙方术与儒家纲常名教相结合的教义,从而为道教的进一步发展奠定了理论基础。此后,从东晋后期至南北朝时代,中国南北方都出现了由门阀士族道教徒发起的道教改革活动,道教的经典、教义、教规和教派组织得到改造和充实发展 ,以重视经典科教和神仙方术为主要宗旨的上清派、灵宝派 、新天师道、楼观道等新兴道派相继出现,成为道教发展的主流。新兴道派得到官方统治者的承认,为后来儒释道三教鼎立并盛的格局奠定了基础。

  唐宋两朝,官方对道教极为尊崇,道教享有国教的称号。官方主持多次编修《 道藏》,研究道经和教义、科仪的学者纷纷涌现,对道教学术文化的发展有较大的贡献。成玄英对老庄思想的进一步阐述和其提出的重玄之道、司马承祯的《坐忘论》、谭峭的《化书》、《无能子》的无君论、陈抟的太极图、张伯端的内丹术、邓牧的《伯牙琴》均是当时道家道教思想的重要成果。到了南宋金元对峙时期,道教内部发生重大变革,新兴道派纷纷涌现。这些道派在教义上的共同特点是倡导三教合一,鼓吹儒释道教同源一致。元朝统一之后,南北各道派重新组合,形成以内丹为主的全真道和符箓为主的正一道两大派系,流传至今。







  今天,在德国、法国、英国和日本、美国等发达国家,都在悄悄兴起一股“老子热”。据联合国教科文组织的统计,老子《道德经》的发行量,在欧洲和世界各地仅次于《圣经》。连冰岛这样地广人稀的岛国都有两种以上的译本。在德国,《道德经》一书差不多每个家庭都有一本。在奥地利、瑞士等国,许多有文化素养的人士,常常把《道德经》赠送给儿女作为结婚的贺礼。美国前总统里根 1988年在“国情咨文”讲话中说:“中国的老子曰治大国,若烹小鲜。”从此,《道德经》身价倍增,有8个出版社争相出版该书。

  在近代中国,道家思想也出现了复活的迹象,魏源、严复、胡适、殷海光等人都曾对道家思想推崇有加,王国维的《人间词语》以庄学忘我之境阐发诗词创作的境界说,此说引人入胜,历久弥新。沈从文、鲁迅、林语堂等人受过道家思想深刻地影响。抗战期间,金岳霖就在《论道》等书中,将原始道家所创发的概念,如无极太极、动静、无有、混沌等范畴组成一个严密的逻辑系统,全新地改变了传统形上道论的内涵和面貌。汤用彤和蒙文通从严格的学院式的论著中,重建道家在学术史上的特殊地位。还有一些影响更为广大的儒道兼容的哲学家,如冯友 、熊十力,他们一向被视为新儒家的代表人物,但其哲学理论的内涵实际上主要是凭藉道家来建构的。

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Brief History Of Taoism

Taoism, an indigenous traditional Chinese religion, dates back to some 1,800 year’s ago when Master Zhang Taoling of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220AD) formerly organized a religious Taoist group. In the long years of its evolution, Taoism had profound influence politically, economically, culturally and ideologically in ancient Chinese society and it is still functioning today.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Taoling went and settled on Singing Crane Mountain (Mount Heming). He claimed that he had been imparted the “Mighty Commonwealth of the Orthodox Oneness (Zhengyi Meng Wei) by Supreme Master Lao Zi and he began producing and circulating books advocating Tao. His teachings centered on the summoning of deities, magic incantation and subduing of ghosts, as well as breathing exercises.

During the Wei Kingdom Period (220-265 DC), Celestial Master Taoism which was created by Zhang Taoling was suppressed and it declined. However, as Zhang Lu and his disciples moved north from Hanzhong, Celestial Master Taoism began to be revived in the regions where Supreme Peace Taoism had once been practiced. It then spread throughout of the country.

During the Western Jin period (265-316 AD) and the Eastern Jin (317-420 AD), some powerful families and scholars started to believe in Taoism. Taoism, which had started from the grass roots level, now penetrated the upper class and eventually became an integral part of the spiritual life of the ruling class.

As more and more scholars turned to Taoism, the Taoist educational level was thus enhanced. As a result, a vast body of Taoist scriptures was created to challenge Buddhism from India.

As the Taoist scriptures spread, three new Taoist sects came into being-namely, the High Purity (Shangqing), the Numinous Treasure (Lingbao) and the Three August Ones (Sanhuang ) sects.

In 589 AD, the Sui Dynasty (581–618) unified China. Different schools of Taoism then began a process of integration. The Maoshan School, which had evolved from the High Purity sect, became the dominant school in the south of the country and began to spread to the north. As both Buddhism and Taoism were practiced during the Sui Dynasty, Taoism developed rapidly, which paved the way for this religion to reach its zenith during the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD).

Li Yuan, founder of the Tang Dynasty, made much use of public belief in Taoism in the struggle to overthrow the Sui Dynasty. When he assumed the throne, he announced that Lao Zi, the founder of Taoism was his ancestor (Lao Zi’s family name being Li and his given name Er). Except for Wu Zetian (the only Empress in Chinese history), all the Tang Emperors venerated Taoism.

The most influential development of Taoism during the Five Dynasty period (907-960AD) on later Taoism was the rise of the so-called inner alchemy created by Zhongli Quan and Lu Dongbin..

More schools of Taoism came into being during the period of the Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties (960-1368 AD). Taoism entered a new phase of development.

During the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127 AD), the Maoshan school was still in a dominant position, and its lineage was very clear. The main new schools that appeared in this period were the Heavenly Heart (Tianxin) and Divine Heaven (Shenxiao) sects.
During the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279AD), Taoism was dominated by the sects collectively known as the Talisman of the Three Mountains (Mount Longhu, Maoshan and Gezao).

Furthermore, new sects, such as Shenxiao, Donghua and Qingwei were also active during this period.

Apart from a variety of old and new Talisman sects, there were also the Pure Brightness sect and the Southern Line Golden Elixir sect during the Southern Song Dynasty.

The Supreme Oneness (Taiyi), Great Tao (DaTao) and Complete Perfection (Quanzhen) doctrines ultimately became the Main forms of Taoism during the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234 AD). The Supreme Oneness doctrine lasted for about 200 years and eventually, by the end of the Yuan Dynasty, it had been incorporated into the Orthodox Oneness (Zhengyi) tradition. The Great Tao doctrine declined toward the end of the Yuan and was also incorporated into the Orthodox Oneness tradition. In the Yuan Dynasty, the Complete Perfection and Orthodox Oneness traditions became the two major Taoist schools.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD), Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Ming emperor, adopted a policy to both make use of and control religion in order to safeguard his rule as the country’s sole dominant power. As a result, Taoism began to decline.

Comparatively speaking, the Ming rulers favored the Orthodox Oneness tradition more than the Complete Perfection tradition. The former enjoyed a higher political status than the later. Zhu Yuanzhang believed that the sole purpose of the meditation practiced by the Complete Perfection sect was the meditation itself whereas the Orthodox Oneness tradition upheld human relationship and stressed social customs, which had played an important role in social stability. For this reason, he supported the Orthodox Oneness tradition.

The rulers of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD) believed in Tibetan Buddhism. They had little knowledge of Taoism and therefore did not support nor even restrict the development of Taoism. The early Qing emperors followed Ming rulers and adopted a policy of protecting Taoism because of the need to win over the Han Chinese. But from Qianlong’s reign onwards, Qing rulers began to impose strict control over Taoism, leading to its decreased political influence and stagnant organizational development.
During the century between the first Opium War (1840-1842) and the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, China underwent a period of political chaos and the Chinese people suffered greatly from war and lived in great poverty.

Taoist structures in renowned mountains fell into disrepair and many Taoists left their temples. As a result, Taoism became more closely tied to ordinary people’s daily lives. Early during the Republic of China, in order to become established in modern society, Taoists tried to imitate the practice in Western countries by forming a national organization to protect their own interests. In 1912, a nationwide organization known as the Central Taoist Association was established in the White Cloud Temple in Beijing, with the Complete Perfection tradition as its backbone. At the same time, Zhang Yuanxu, the 62nd Celestial Master, set up the Taoist Federation of the Republic of China in Shanghai, with the Orthodox Oneness tradition as its backbone. Both organizations were rather loosely organized and no activities of great significance were recorded.

After China adopted its reform and opening-up policy in 1979, Chinese Taoists resumed the Complete Perfection tradition’s initiation ceremony and the Orthodox Oneness tradition’s talisman transmission rules.

Large-scale religious activities were also held, such as the Great Ritual Offering of All-Embracing Heaven. China’s Taoist community has established the China Taoist College and the Shanghai Taoist College to train large number of young and middle-aged priests; established academic institutions such as the China Taoist Culture Research Institute and convened several forums on Taoist culture; founded journals such as Chinese Taoism, Shanghai Taoism, Shaanxi Taoism and Fujian Taoism and published a number of books on Taoism.

Some 1,500 Taoist monasteries have been approved by governments at the county level and above for Taoists to carry out religious activities.

There are about 20,000 resident Taoists of the Complete Perfection tradition and tens of thousands of Taoist priests of the Orthodox Oneness tradition in addition to countless numbers of Taoist followers throughout the whole country. The ancient religion has now entered the 21st century with a brand-new look.